August AOTM Winner

TC Chandamany

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1) Q: Give us an introduction about yourself?

A) My name is TC Chandamany, Visitor #10101011. I am a visitor of Earth and a citizen of the Cosmos. But really - I’m a creative digital artist and a lover of exploration. I love space, science, and submersing in conversations of existence. Base camp is Las Vegas, NV but you can find me everywhere around the world.

2) Q: Where are you from?

A) Country of origin is Laos (like the Asian family from King of the hill) but I was born in Bangkok, Thailand.

3) Q: Where do you live now?

A) Las Vegas, NV

4) Q: How did you get to where you are today?

A: This question warrants more depth and detail, but long story told very short - my mother fled her country (Laos) back in 86 in pursuit of a better life. In doing so, she had to cross the Mekong river into Thailand where 50% of boats were shot down and killed. She was fortunate enough to make it, but ended up in a refugee camp in Thailand where she met my father, who was an ally with the Soviets working at the camps. Thats where I came into the picture. In 87, the US offered sponsorship programs and we were adopted by an American family who provided us shelter, food and a job to get started on life. Fast forward to today, my parents literally built this very foundation that I stand on from nothing, which has shaped me into the individual that I am.


5) Q: Is there anything notable that happened while growing up that shaped you into the person you are today?

A: Being born in a refugee camp, special education, bullying - all has shaped me into who I am today. The humility, the teachings and my humble beginnings will always transcend the building blocks of my character.

6) If you could live anywhere in the world for free, where wold you choose?

A: Something about the majestic atmosphere and soundscapes of Iceland continue to captivate my heart’s desires to be in a world so untouched and beautiful.

7) Q: What are your talents?

A: I would say I am a Jack of many. My trade by formal education is in Information Technology - primarily virtualized server architecture and design for medium-large sized companies. I am also a licensed massage therapist (LMT) and certified sports and nutrition health coach. On the spiritual front, I am a certified master of Reiki (I currently don’t practice but open to those in need of healing). Moreover to the interesting stuff - I love the entire scope of entertainment. I’ve co-produced music, short films and various digital media projects.

8) Q: Are you naturally talented, or did you acquire your skills?

A: Some might argue that you’re born with a gift - while others will say it comes with education - my feedback is right in the middle. I believe we’re all in positions we are destined to be in. Every move we make and every “mistake” we take guides us to our next destination and teaching. We all have natural talents and I believe my eye for my craft is a natural blessing, but also has been supplemented by my desire to learn more.


9) Q: How do you develop your skillset & improve your talents?

A: Honestly - practice, everyday. You can apply this simple exercise to literally anything in your life. Repetition - followed by the openness to learn and the ability to bounce back from failure is what will put you ahead. I seek out failure so that I can advance faster. I’ve had many, MANY failed ventures that have led me to where I am today. My mindset doesn’t change but my vantage point changes daily - and that’s because I’m always seeking new ways to look at things.

10) Q: How do you leverage your talents in your professional career?

A) I think having an “eye” for the future and strong intuition has been the key driver to my successes. Because I’m able to balance multiple vantage points, this allows me to see, feel and experience at a much more rapid pace.

11) Q: What are some opportunities you have gained because of your talents?

A: I’ve been fortunate enough to have cross pollinated with amazing brands. Through these partnerships - my network and net-worth has increased immensely. These collaborations have opened doors to bigger doors beyond my wildest dreams.

12) Q: What industries are you experienced in?

A: As mentioned, I’ve cross pollinated with a ton of industries. Honestly. I don’t believe there’s an industry I haven’t touched. The key to growth is being open and so with my openness to the world - the world has provided.

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13) Q: What do you do for work?

A: A lot of people don’t know, but I manage a group of IT professionals. The best way to describe them would be the “firefighters of technology”. Outside of my main squeeze - I do a lot of small-medium digital media projects with various companies. I own and operate a company called “Earth Xploration” - a digital creative outlet with a unique vantage point on new discoveries. The long term goal is turning EarthX into an outlet that companies can use for their visions to be seen - all while making a positive impact on the world in parallel.

14) Q: Who, or what, inspired you to get started in your career?

A: I started off in tech because I was always that kid burning bootleg video games and writing code for automation. Tech is dope, but I’ve always had my heart in art. Freedom of expression allowed me to surrender my fears and let go of things that no longer served me. Through art - I’m able to tell my truth. So, ultimately - I think the biggest inspiration is the journey itself. Witnessing my own journey from my highest self inspired me to live at my highest potential.

15) Q: Do you enjoy the work you do?

A: I do, but I would ultimately like to travel the world full time - creating captivating content that really speaks to the soul. I love showcasing “travel”, but I want people to see beyond that and that we live in a world that breathes just like us - in a world that needs help, just like us.

16) Q: What is something you have failed at, and did you learn from it?

A: I can happily say I’ve failed at a lot of things: relationships, friendships, jobs, projects, various startups... However, we wouldn’t be progressing if we weren’t failing. The more I fail, the sharper I get until eventually, if I were to fall on sword, I’d bounce right off even sharper than when I hit it. A lot of people fear failure, but failure is what society created for us to be afraid, to prevent us from growing and moving forward. The world is ours and we don’t need to play their game in this digital simulation any longer.

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17) Q: What are some of the biggest myths about the work you do?

A:  “It’s easy”… There’s nothing easy. I work 12-14 hours a day to sustain the life that I live and to project me towards the life that I want. Recently inspired by the recent short film by Morgan Cooper (U shoot videos?) [shoutout to @cooperfilms] - a great depiction of the biggest myths about cinematography.

18) Q: What are some recommendations for others just getting started in your field of work?

A: Ask questions - don’t be afraid to fail. Surround yourself around like minded individuals who are willing to grow alongside you - who will support you if YOU win first and they don’t. The biggest problem is friending someone who only cares about the impact you’ll make on them. I want my friends to win and it doesn’t matter who makes it there first. Embrace the journey, learn to love it and absorb the good vibrations that come with it. It’s a high you can’t find from any synthetic drug out there.

19) Q: What is your opinion on social media?

A: Social media is dope - I celebrate a lot of my success thanks to social media. However, I also blame a lot of my deep dark secrets and scars to her as well. It’s an act of balance - use it when you need to and disconnect when it’s most important. We’ve lost touch with reality and human interaction - but at the same time, social media has given us a platform to stay connected. Don’t get lost in the deep dark web!

20) Q: What are you most passionate about?

A: I just want to inspire those around me and do something good for the world, for humankind and for the future of our children.


21) Q: Whats your top 3 goals in life?

A: 1) Go to space
2) Go to Mars
3) Touch and/or make a positive impact on at least one person everyday in some way

22) Q: What motivates you daily to achieve your goals?

A: Seeing those around me winning and celebrating their successes. Happiness is contagious.

23) Q: Best advice for increasing productivity?

A: Work at the best hour for you, in the best atmosphere that gets your soul in hyper drive. Fuck the opinion of others.

24) Q: What is your philosophy on life?

A: Your life is meant to change and you need to embrace change. Don’t be upset at people when they change and allow yourself to undergo change even if it’s not the best for others. Ultimately, this is your journey and your journey will always differ from others. What I’m trying to say is - live with compassion, do you for you, and support others even if their visions don’t align with yours. We all have different roles in life - do yours and don’t try to be like someone else.

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25) Q: If you could be any animal, what would you choose?


26) Q: What is a fun fact that no one knows about you? // or // a fun story that you would like to share?

A:  I was born in a refugee camp in Thailand. I was held at gunpoint as an infant. It just wasn’t my time yet man - I’m here to make a difference.