November AOTM Winner

Michael Marom


- @shotbymarom -

1) Q: Give us an introduction about yourself?

I feel like when you’re little you never really get into depth after the intro, so this is actually really cool to do. I’m Michael Marom. I’m 22. I’m a photographer. I’m a big brother & a little brother. I try to respect everyone in hopes that they will respect me.

2) Q: Where are you from?

A: I’ve lived throughout CA my whole life.

3) Q: Where do you live now?

A: I live in Woodland Hills, CA now.

4) Q: How did you get to where you are today?

A: Staying true to myself. Generally I think everyone has their own time clock, and everyone is on their own path. I think it is important to stick to your own path, and I am proud of myself for how well I am doing now. 

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5) Q: Is there anything notable that happened while growing up that shaped you into the person you are today?

A: I guess me being bullied all the time. I feel like I am respectable to everyone unless they give me a reason otherwise. It could be my best friend, or my worst enemy. I had to learn & grow from people being rude to me, and figure out how to refrain from reciprocating their negative energy.

6) Q: If you could live anywhere in the world for free, where wold you choose?

A: Iceland probably. I don’t know actually. I love the cold, but maybe not that cold.

7) Q: What are your talents?

A: Ok is this thing on? This is the Michael Marom job application 2019 - I would say I’m a very personable… No, I’m just kidding. I’m gifted in communicating with people, and I feel like I could communicate with almost anyone in any situation. In regards to photo + video, I am still learning with video. I feel like I’m not unbelievably good at video because I am still learning. When it comes to photography I think I’m the best. I’m the best. I have been doing this for nine years. Actually, let me correct that; I don’t think there is a best. I think I am an extremely talented photographer though.

8) Q: Are you naturally talented, or did you acquire your skills?

A: It is hard to do photography & videography, but it is not hard to learn how to do. Videography is way harder to learn in my opinion. Even without photoshop & lightroom you can still be a talented photographer. There is some people that don’t have an eye for it though, so they will end up relying on the editing. Wait, can you repeat the question? I guess you would say I am naturally talented with photography, and doing anything creative in general. I never liked sports. I did play tennis though.  

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9) Q: How do you develop your skillset & improve your talents?

A: I did take two photography classes, but I already knew a majority of the materials being taught. I did learn a little bit of information, but the thing I got the most from the class was the experience of just going out shooting. I did learn how to not be a weirdo when it comes to shooting with people. I have been doing photography like 5 times a month for the past 7 years, so practice is definitely a huge factor with development.  

10) Q: How do you leverage your talents in your professional career?

A: Currently, I am a full-time student, so I haven’t been able to fully use the same leverage you do. I wish I had more free time to actually work on my own craft, and see how much I could succeed with that alone. Putting out amazing content can give you so many opportunities though. Almost every single person in the world now needs content, so the opportunities are there for the taking. There is never enough content. You can apply that to jobs. Literally everyone needs visuals. I don’t just work for anyone because of the level I have reached, so I can leverage my portfolio for sure.

11) Q: What are some opportunities you have gained because of your talents?

A: Honestly, I don’t flex & I don’t like flexing. I feel like I have done a lot though; social media aside. Hawaii, A$AP Rocky, A$AP Mob, and more. I have met so many cool people through my talents, and not even referring to social media. I have met some insanely powerful corporate leaders, and got the opportunity to work together with them. I know a lot of powerful people because of it. I don’t like presenting stuff. I just started posting again too which is crazy to me. I hate it, but its necessary.

12) Q: What do you do for work in the industries you are experienced in?

A:  Marketing, sales, production, directing, etc. I could refer you to a great agency I know if you are trying to level up in life too. AXO Talent is the way to go ;) Become an alpha. I actually work in a bakery currently since I am a full-time student. I do take school seriously since it has had a positive impact on my life, and I don’t care if people judge me for that. I need the money right now, and I have different priorities. I know I am going to make it, and I think I am right where I am supposed to be right now. I do photography 3 times every week, and get paid for it. I’m not doing bad. This sunset is insanely good right now. Oh yeah, sorry I keep getting distracted.

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13) Q: Who, or what, inspired you to get started in your career?

A: *no comment*

14) Q: Do you enjoy the work you do?

A: I do. Yes, I enjoy it.  

15) Q: What is something you have failed at, and did you learn from it?

A: I failed a lot at video. They said it’s amazing, but they just didn’t like it. I have failed a lot. With pictures too I have had a couple times where people just did like it. What I learned is to not half-ass anything. Don’t slack on your work just because you don’t have full interest in a project. It’s your craft being represented at that point, so you want to showcase your skills to the best of your ability. Take any opportunity. Yeah, I get to touch a camera & make a living off it. I appreciate it, and I am grateful. It is much better than sitting in an office. Being out there in the world is the best. 

16) Q: What are some of the biggest myths about the work you do?

A: The myth that all creators are influencers. People started calling me an influencer, and I don’t like that word at all. I just don’t like being called that because I am not really influencing anything, and it has built a negative connotation. I am creating art for myself, and for the people I am invested in projects with. Trust yourself, and don’t trust the snakes in the grass. It is important to always be cautious with who you work with, and that part is not a myth. 

17) Q: What are some recommendations for others just getting started in your field of work?

A: Be real. Please be real. There are too many fake people. Enjoy your work, and don’t create things without purpose. 

18) Q: What is your opinion on social media?

A:  It is such a powerful platform now. I still hate it though. Everyone is so fake! Omg. People are going to call me fake too… no I’m not. I always say what I want. People advise me not to post certain raw things, but I still do it anyway. 

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19) Q: What are you most passionate about?

A: I am most passionate about making people feel god. Through photography & communication. Photography will always be the top though. It has always been my favorite thing to do. 

20) Q: Whats your top 3 goals in life?

A: 1) Be happy 2) Have a rich mentality 3) Be one of the most well-known photographers

21) Q: What motivates you daily to achieve your goals?

A: Definitely my girlfriend. She’s always on top of things for me. Honestly, myself, my family, & my friends are the biggest motivators. Especially you & James. 

22) Q: Best advice for increasing productivity?

A: Best advice would be to realize how dope water is. Health. Shoutout Martez! Health is Wealth. Shoutout Dilly too!

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23) Q: What is your philosophy on life?

A: I have a bunch of roses tattooed on my arm. Life is f***ing beautiful. Anything can be beautiful regardless of the situation. Steer straight because if you touch life the wrong way it can poke you in the hand & it can hurt. Philosophy. #savebrazil #bewoke #stopputtingyourheadinthedirt #putthechildrenbackwiththeirparents #iloveblake - I love my life.

24) Q: If you could be any animal, what would you choose?

A: I would be the biggest eagle there is. If it was dinosaurs too though I would say a Velociraptor. In reality, I would probably be a bird though, so I could see views nobody else could ever experience. I would want to be a blue whale so I could explore the ocean too.  

25) Q: What is a fun fact that no one knows about you? // or // a fun story that you would like to share?

A: I can speak a completely different language other than English. I can speak Hebrew. I’m Jewish; shoutout my Jews. 

blake dalessio